We work with new media, VR/AR, 3D, sculpting, video, music, (CGI) computer-generated imagery.

We create another world while changing the world we live in.

We want to see the global challenges our world faces (poverty, hunger, incarceration, homelessness, addiction, etc.) relieved and to see individuals experience growth, healing and hope.

Earth Rising™️ believes that the best way to accomplish that goal is through a merging of the non-profit, mission-al world and the for-profit business world — through social enterprises.

Roos van der Jagt © Ingrid Vermeulen

Roos van der Jagt © Ingrid Vermeulen

Roos van der Jagt is the founder of the foundation

Earth Rising ™️, she wants the world to change, and change begins within.

What People Are Saying

Earth Rising™️ taught me so much about new tech, I thought I was already an expert on: myself!


I was able to rekindle certain relationships with new technology Earth Rising’s™️ teachings.



My confidence in humanity has gotten so much better!


I didn’t know anything was possible until I saw what Earth Rising™️ did for my brother